Reaching the unreached.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. KJV Matthew 24:14
41 percent of the world’s population is unreached.
God’s heart definitely beats for His people, missions is all about reaching people with the message of Christ. Challenging believers to have compassion toward others, from introducing Christians to missions to plugging people in on the mission field.
Currently our ministry is experiencing an intense awakening in Africa. The word of God is being spoken by our leaders as they go into unreached areas and people’s hearts are being broken and turned towards God. There is an intense longing to know more about this Jesus they are hearing about. The results are like torches being passed one to another, lighting up village after village with the message of salvation. Many are giving their hearts to God and numerous new churches are being established.
Harvest Reach has established hundreds of churches throughout the southern region of Africa. Our leaders were discipled by Harvest Reach and most are native to the areas they serve.
African Missions Base
Harvest Reach began working with local leadership in Utter Parish India in 2019, focusing on evangelism and establishing small house churches throughout the region. Bible distribution is a huge part of our ministry (over 9000 distributed to date). Our leaders in India are fearless as they go village to village handing out bibles, preaching the Good News of Christ all the while knowing that at any moment they could be arrested for doing so (and some have been). In most areas of India, becoming a Christian is illegal and persecution is almost certain. Their boldness in preaching the gospel has led to the salvation of many people and the establishment of hundreds of house churches. The number of salvations and new house churches are growing exponentially as we hear of those who were handed bibles come to seek more information on the Christ they are reading about.
In order to protect our leaders and new converts, some of the pictures you see on our site regarding India may be blurred.
India Missions Base
American Missions
In America we are fervent in evangelism, making sure the truth of Christ is known to everyone. We do this through outreach, prayer rallies, praying in our schools and discipleship classes.
Even though many may think America is a “reached” nation, so many people still do not know who Jesus is and what He did for them.
Our goal is to reach people, teach them the truth about Jesus and get them running in HIS direction. Once we reach them, we then disciple them and launch them out to run with passion telling others the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Motorcycle Rally 2025
May 17th
Coldspring TX
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Provide Discipleship book for just $3 (India) or $5 (Africa) each.
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About Us
We are a missions organization made up of many tongues, tribes and nations. We are characterized by our obedience to preach the gospel and to make disciples in all nations.
FoundersFounded in 1988 by Mark and Sherry Mears as they reached out to the hurting on the streets of Houston, Texas. God soon expanded their field of view to include a multitude of other nations.
“The people who sit in darkness need to see the light, but it seems the people who sit in the light cannot see into the darkness. Light does not shine in the light, it shines in the darkness”.
Make a donation.
Donations are welcome to help support and advance the kingdom of God. Support for missions in Africa and India and events in America.
What People Are Saying
“I worked with Mark and Sherry in 1997 along with my sister and friend. The experience was incredible and I saw how much Harvest Reach is truly reaching the people in Africa. They are the real deal. Training locals to win the locals. It’s life-changing.”
— Tayra Peterson
“Discipleship is not as common as it once was but Mark and Sherry have a systematic plan in place to train up the locals to see them run the church themselves. This is a miracle and needs to happen more and more. ”